Sunday, July 08, 2007

Leave it to the Moslems

What a day. The Sunnis set off a bomb in a Shiite marketplace. Another, approximately, 150 were killed. I guess the Shiites will retaliate.

This seems to be a daily occurence. Sunnis kill Shiites. Shiites kill Sunnis what a religion. We do not want peace we just want revenge.

I remember an occasion during the Iraq-Iran conflict some years back. We were at a Parlor meeting that was addressed by Joseph Burg. He was a Minister in the Israeli government at that time. One of the attendees asked him; who does the Israeli government prefer as the victor? The answer was they should both be successful!

If these fools would only get together and try to work out some kind of an accommodation. No, the best they can do is to kill each other off. Unfortunately, there too many of them, so that all of these killing will not decimate them.

The American government, the great geniuses, are putting our soldiers in harms way in order to try to stop the Arab fools. Our finest and best lives are being sacrificed, for what I do not know.



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