Monday, April 10, 2006

Pesach Preparations

Wow, what a hectic time. Went to the kosher stores in the area yesterday. The aisles were jam packed. Traffic in the area was chaotic. You would think that everyone had just woken up from a deep slumber and realized that Pesach is just two days away and I have to do all my shopping today.

The drive from our house to the local stores (about 1 and 1/2 miles) took about 20 minutes. Not only was it slow, we also had to contend with the local inconsiderate drivers. I think they all went to Boro Park driving schools. They must have been taught that it is a sin to signal before turning(worst than being Mechalel Shabbos).

Whenever someone does that in front of me I just lean on the horn. Im sure it must scare the hell out of them. I am tempted to install a truck horn on my car for local driving. Recently, one of the locals made a left and did not signal so I gave him the horn. At the next corner he made a right turn and I gave him the horn again( an extra long blast). He stopped and asked me what the problem was. I told him that I believed that I wanted him to know that his blinkers were not working. He was not impressed. Maybe he learned something.


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